The main focus of my research these days is on insomnia and its treatment in adults. This includes research with various people: those in the community, medical patients, people with mental health challenges and those in certain professions. I am particularly interested in looking at ways to increase access to best care.
Recent journal articles
Morin, C. M., Vézina-Im, L.-A., Chen, S., Ivers, H., Carney, C., Chaput, J. P., Dang-Vu, T., Davidson, J. R., Horn, O., & Robillard, R. (2024). Prevalence of insomnia and use of sleep aids among adults in Canada. Sleep Medicine, 124, 338 345.
Chaput, J. P., Janssen, I., Sampasa-Kanyinga, H., Carney, C. E., Dang-Vu, T. T., Davidson, J. R., Robillard, R., & Morin, C. M. (2023). Economic burden of insomnia symptoms in Canada. Sleep Health, 9(2), 185-189. DOI:
Gierc, M., Jackowich, R. A., Halliday, S., & Davidson, J. R. (2022). A scoping study of insomnia symptoms in school teachers. Behavioral sleep medicine, 1-18. DOI:
Chaput, J., Gariépy, G., Pendharkar, S.R., Ayas , N.T., Samuels, C., Vallières, A., Davidson, J.R., Morin, C.M., Simonelli, G., Bourguinat, C., Gruber, R., Petit, D., Narang, I., Viau, V., Carrier, J. (2022). National strategy on the integration of sleep and circadian rhythms into public health research and policies: Report from the Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation. DOI:
Heenan A, Pipe, A., Lemay, K., Davidson JR., & Tulloch, H. 2020. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia tailored to patients with cardiovascular disease: A pre-post study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 18(3):372-385. DOI:
Davidson JR, Dickson C, & Han H. 2019. Cognitive-behavioural treatment of insomnia in primary care: A systematic review of sleep outcomes. British Journal of General Practice. Published online July 31, 2019. British Journal of General Practice 69 (686): e657-e664. DOI:
Book chapters
Vincent N, Davidson JR. 2021. Sleep Disorders. In Castonguay LG and Oltmanns TF (Eds) Psychopathology: from Science to Clinical Practice, 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford Press.
Morin CM, Davidson JR and Beaulieu-Bonneau S. 2017. Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Insomnia I: Approaches and Efficacy. In Kryger M, Roth T, and Dement WC (Eds.). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier.
Recent conference abstracts
Poster: 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24-27 September 2024, Seville, Spain., 380. Davidson, J. R., Fretz, K., Gardner, D. M., Lynch, S., Watson, S., Sloan, E., Desmarais, E., DeBruyn, J., Soleas, E., and Leung, C. (2024). Interprofessional Training of Canadian Healthcare Providers in First-Line Insomnia Care. Journal of Sleep Research, 33 Abstract P866
Symposium: Canadian Sleep Society national conference, April 28, 2023, Ottawa, Ontario. A Canadian stepped care model for interprofessional insomnia care to improve access to CBT-I and deprescribing. Eileen Sloan, Katherine Fretz, David Gardner, Shayna Watson, Stephanie Lynch, Judith Davidson.
Poster: Canadian Sleep Society national conference, April 27-29, 2023, Ottawa, Ontario. Bolstering Access by Building Competence in First-line Insomnia Care: Results from a Canadian Interdisciplinary Educational Program. Katherine Fretz, Judith Davidson, Jenny DeBruyn, Eleftherios Soleas, David Gardner, Stephanie Lynch, Cynthia Leung, Erin Desmarais, Shayna Watson, Eileen Sloan.
Poster: Canadian Sleep Society national conference, April 27-29, 2023, Ottawa, Ontario. Bolstering Access by Building Competence in First-line Insomnia Care: Results from a Canadian Interdisciplinary Educational Program. Katherine Fretz, Judith Davidson, Jenny DeBruyn, Eleftherios Soleas, David Gardner, Stephanie Lynch, Cynthia Leung, Erin Desmarais, Shayna Watson, Eileen Sloan.
Sept 2019, Vancouver, BC. Sleep Med. Jackowich R, Gierc M, Fretz K, Davidson J. “Summer sleep camp” for teachers: A pilot study. World Sleep Congress (meeting of the World Sleep Society) 2019;64:S86.
Poster: Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies held June, 2019, San Antonio, TX. Stenstrom P, Davidson JR, Denesle R, Araújo T, La Rocque C, Smith BC. Video-conference delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: Effects on insomnia, depression and anxiety symptoms. SLEEP. 2019. 42(Supp):A147. Poster 0362.