Insomnia sufferers benefit from CBT-I being offered at their family physician’s office


Our review of CBT-I being provided through general practice shows that it works well (if provided in full by qualified health professionals). Every family practice setting should provide it!

Insomnia sufferers benefit from CBT-I being offered at their family physician’s office2019-07-30T13:20:33-04:00

Help for Teachers with Insomnia


We are offering a special Summer Sleep Program for teachers in the Kingston, Ontario area. It was very successful last year, and so much fun! Teachers Summer Sleep Program Poster 2019Download

Help for Teachers with Insomnia2019-05-01T19:08:57-04:00

Insomnia Treatment Program starting soon


Help for insomnia! For folks in Kingston who are struggling with trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, the Psychology Clinic at Queen’s Sleep Therapy Service has another insomnia treatment program starting soon. The 5-session program

Insomnia Treatment Program starting soon2019-01-31T14:51:21-05:00

Talking with family physicians about CBT-I


Last week I "appeared" at a continuing education event for primary care physicians at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Dr. David Gardner had pre-recorded a conversation with me about CBT-I.  It is 10 minutes long and

Talking with family physicians about CBT-I2018-12-14T19:42:00-05:00

Teachers’ Summer Sleep Camp


We are providing a special 5-session workshop-style program for teachers who have insomnia. I spoke about it on CBC's All in a Day. You can listen to the 7-minute interview here.  And here is the

Teachers’ Summer Sleep Camp2018-06-13T00:38:56-04:00

Turning our clocks back


The good thing about returning to standard time is it's more likely to be light when we wake up now -- at least for a few days!  I talked with Julie Brown of CKWS The

Turning our clocks back2017-11-08T14:50:07-05:00
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