Dr. Judith Davidson is a psychologist and scientist-clinician in the field of sleep disorders. She started working in a sleep lab in 1981 and has remained in the sleep field ever since.
Judith is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. There, she trains clinical psychology graduate students in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, especially insomnia. In 2012, she received the designation Somnologist, Expert in Behavioural Sleep Medicine from the European Sleep Research Society.
As a clinical psychologist within a primary care team for ten years, Judith established evidence-based programs for depression, anxiety and insomnia. She continues to guide Ontario Family Health Teams in treating insomnia.
Recent research publications include the evaluation of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in a family practice setting, and a systematic review of CBT-I outcomes in primary care. Judith provides workshops to health professionals who want to learn how to provide CBT-I for their patients.
Judith is the author of Sink into Sleep: A Step-by-Step Guide for Reversing Insomnia, now in its second edition. It is written especially for the person who has been having sleep difficulty that has gone on for months or years. The book translates knowledge from sleep science and applies it to real life. With decades of research and clinical experience in the area of sleep, Judith is committed to making effective sleep treatments accessible to people who just want a good night’s sleep.