Representative Night Date:  
  1. I went to bed at:
(clock time)
(e.g. 11:15 PM)
  1. I turned out the lights after:
  1. I fell asleep in:
  1. I woke up times during the night.
  1. The total duration of these awakenings was:
  1. After awakening for the last time I was in bed for:
  1. I got up at:
(clock time)
Calculations A
Total Time in Bed
Total Time Awake
Total Sleep Time
Time between your bedtime (#1) and rise time (#7)

Convert hours to minutes by multiplying by 60

Add the numbers above in this column A minus B
(minutes) (minutes) (minutes)
† For example, if you were in bed for 8 hours and 20 minutes, this is the same as 8 x 60 + 20 minutes = 500 minutes. D
Sleep Efficiency
C/A x 100%

My sleep efficiency is

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